Skákkennsluvefur -

HenrikStórmeistarinn Henrik Danielsen hafa sett upp einkar glćsilegan skákvef,, sem er getur nýst til skákkennslu um allan heim hvort sem ţađ er í Namibíu, en ţar fengu ţeir einmitt hugmyndina ţegar ţeir voru ađ útbreiđa skákbođskapinn ţar áriđ 2005, á Grćnlandi, eđa hvar sem er í heiminum!

Flott framtak hjá sem vonandi gengur sem best!  

Fréttatilkynningu frá ţeim félögum má finna hér:

Dear Friend.

Just a quick note to tell you about our new webpage – – a place on the Internet where everyone can get free chess lessons. This page contains everything; from elementary lessons, for beginners, to advanced lectures of the very best quality.

So, if you are a chess enthusiast, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or an advanced player, you will always find something of interest. The page is updated daily, and furthermore, we are already experimenting with live chess lessons.

We are always adding new languages to our catalog and we also have a fun area containing cartoons and other entertaining videos.

The idea for this page was conceived in the year 2005 when we were teaching chess to
children in Namibia, Africa. Already we knew that chess can help children, and all individuals for that matter, to build their character, their self-esteem and develop their initiative and decision-making skills. We then saw how visual learning can be utilized, and so we started to film our own teachings. These lessons will gradually be brought onto VideoChess.Net

It is our vision that all children, regardless of ethnic origin and personal background, will be given an opportunity to learn how to maximize their potentials to the fullest. A lot of skills can be picked up through learning the game of chess. Therefore, everyone can gain from looking at our everexpanding material. Using VideoChess.Net is free of charge.

Yours Sincerely,
Henrik Danielsen
Kristian Guttesen


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